Cyclone Mocha Death Toll Rises to 81 in Myanmar

Published 2023 May 17 Wednesday

Myanmar: The death toll from Cyclone Mocha in Myanmar has risen to at least 81, as aid agencies scramble to provide assistance to those affected.
The cyclone made landfall on Sunday with winds of up to 195 kilometers per hour, downing power pylons and smashing wooden fishing boats to splinters.
The worst-hit areas are in Rakhine state, where the Rohingya Muslim minority is concentrated. At least 46 people have died in the villages of Bu Ma and Khaung Doke Kar, and more than a hundred people are missing.
The cyclone has also caused widespread damage to infrastructure, including roads, bridges, and telecommunications networks. Aid agencies are struggling to reach affected areas due to the damage to roads and bridges.
The Myanmar government has pledged to help those affected by the cyclone, but it is unclear how much assistance will be available. The Rohingya Muslim minority has been persecuted by the Myanmar government for decades, and they have limited access to basic services.
The United Nations has called for an urgent humanitarian response to the cyclone, and aid agencies are working to provide food, water, shelter, and medical care to those affected.
The cyclone is a reminder of the vulnerability of people living in coastal areas to climate change. The frequency and intensity of cyclones are expected to increase in the coming years, and Myanmar is one of the country's most at risk.
